Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Foolish Ida

A watercolor illustration of a girl draped in yellow, crouched in the air above a scene of a baby being guided along by a pair of small hooded figures.
Watercolor original
Maurice Sendak, the author of wildly funny and darkly tragic children's books, died this morning.  Sendak never shied away from the terrors of childhood even as he celebrated kids' slightly naughty side. Today we offer a highlight from our Morton E. Wise Collection of Maurice Sendak: the original artwork behind "Foolish Ida" of Sendak's Outside over There (New York: Harper and Row, 1981).

A pencil sketch of the same image.
Pencil sketch
Progressing from the pencil sketch through the watercolor to the final published image, you can see Sendak manipulating Ida's expression, transforming it from one of sad determination to one of deep mourning. A fitting tribute for today.

A finished illustration showing the same image.
Final published image
To see them, ask for Iconography 1610, 1611 and Illus S467out.

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