"I am alive because of the heroism, intelligence, compassion and ingenuity of one person, Ada Blackjack. She is my hero—she feeds me when I am hungry, keeps me warm when I am cold, and gives me attention when I want it. My name is Victoria, but everyone calls me 'Vic'. I’m a tabby cat who went to Wrangel Island in 1921 with five explorers – only Ada and I returned."
Come to Rauner Special Collections Library to experience my story in the new exhibit "Through the Eyes of a Cat: the Wrangel Island Expedition" in the Class of 1965 Galleries from September 27 to November 10, 2023. The exhibit was curated by Sam Milnes, Collection Management Assistant, and Jay Satterfield, Special Collections Librarian. For more information on the exhibit, including a downloadable version of the poster and a complete handlist of the items on display, visit the
exhibit website.