The outbreak of World War II coincided with Mitsui’s matriculation at Dartmouth in the fall of 1939. By August of 1941, as the relationship between Japan and the United States was deteriorating, the undergraduate began to debate whether he would continue his studies or return home. Despite the possibility of internment, Mitsui wished to remain at Dartmouth.

The day following the bombing, Mitsui "felt a vague uneasiness," fearing that the attack may prompt someone to act against him, yet he "had not experienced the slightest change in atmosphere" on campus. He later described how "when the war did begin, I was not thrown into a panic. Everyone's manner toward me was all I could have wished. Basically, it was as if they had known from the beginning that my presence was harmless."

Not only did President Hopkins help Mitsui remain at Dartmouth by providing moral support, but he also stepped in when the war interfered with Mitsui’s tuition payments. Nobu's family had been using his cousin in New York, Sadakazu, as a medium by which to fund his education. When Sadakazu became interned at Ellis Island, the accounts were frozen, and Mitsui could no longer pay his Dartmouth bills. After extensive correspondences with the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, the administration decided to offer Mitsui loans while he completed his studies.
Nonetheless, wartime circumstances required Mitsui to make some compromises. President Hopkins suggested that Mitsui end his involvement with the Dartmouth Broadcasting System (DBS). He thought it would be best for Mitsui to avoid any connection with radio broadcasting and photography, which were the basis of the club. In a letter from July of 1942, President Hopkins stated that this recommendation was "made in the desire to protect him rather than in any question which we have in our own minds," revealing that instead of doubting Mitsui’s actions, he merely sought to avoid any misconceptions concerning the student’s extra curricular activities.
However, the entire Hanover community did not share President Hopkins’s feelings toward Mitsui. A newspaper article from September 23, 1943, declared "While New Hampshire boys languish and die in barbarous Japanese prison camps, a scion of one of Japan’s handful of great families whose wealth greases the gears of the global war, dwells unobtrusively in the academic atmosphere of this New Hampshire college town." While their anger is understandable, those that personally knew Mitsui saw no reason to object to his presence.
Despite the opposition, Mitsui did not regret staying at Dartmouth. In a letter to President Hopkins from January 11, 1943, Mitsui wrote that "staying here means I am fighting for democracy… going back means either I am giving up or postponing my duty as a human being, God’s child." Furthermore, his memoirs reveal his strong conviction that Dartmouth was his home. He stated, "Immediately upon the outbreak of the war, I found myself firmly determined to stay in America, and later I came to realize that the motivating factor in my decision was this place, here where I was." This was in part due to the bond he felt with his friends and fraternity brothers, and the hill winds and picturesque setting of Dartmouth may have contributed to this sentiment as well, but it undoubtedly was also related to his connection with President Hopkins.
Likewise, President Hopkins held a special affinity for Mitsui. In 1944 he exchanged a series of letters with an acquaintance, John Tyssowski, in which he explained his sponsorship. This correspondence reveals how he had more than a single motivation for supporting the Japanese student. Although President Hopkins believed continuing his connection with Mitsui would be advantageous for the nation: "I always felt that we were in all probability rendering a large public service in affording educational opportunities to a man of his prominence at home and bound to have his influence in periods subsequent to the war. "The nature of their relationship was more than mere politics. In addition to writing how he had "the very definite feeling that Mitsui may be very helpful in the period succeeding the war," he continued by stating: "Moreover, as always happens when personal relations are involved, I have become very fond of the boy, and he is to be classified as 'my favorite [Japanese relation]' for the time being and I think probably permanently."
Ask for Hopkins's President Office Records: Student Undergraduate files to see the letters, and to read the translations of Mr. Mitsui's memoir completed by Edward Rasmussen '42, ask for MS-1069.
Also see a previous blog post regarding Nobu Mitsui.
Posted for Haley Shaw '15.