Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Revolution made sweet...

A cover for "Album de la Revolucion Cubana."Cia. Industrial Empacadora de Dulces, S. A., as part of an advertising campaign for canned fruit, offered a premium with each purchase: individual, illustrated, and numbered cards depicting Cuban revolutionary history. They also provided a book with individual places to paste each of the 268 numbered cards. Below the spaces were brief captions of the events depicted. Three additional cards depicting flags for distinct revolutionary movements in Cuba were also provided to be pasted on the inside front cover. Quotes from Fidel Castro are printed on the inside back cover.

A series of color illustrations, some violent, with accompanying text.The advertising campaign was probably started around 1960. The publication is from Havana.

A color advertisement for canned fruit.Is this truly propaganda for a post-revolutionary society based on communist principles? Is this a children's illustrated book? Would most individuals acquiring these cards be capable readers of history? Look at the back cover. What exactly were local consumers being sold?

An interesting book artifact, unsettling in the visual depictions paired with sweet desserts.....

Ask for Rauner Rare Book F1781.5

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