Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Male Gaze, Male Money

A sketch of a nude man painting a seated nude woman from life.Ambroise Vollard. Pablo Picasso. Honoré de Balzac. Three men. Three artists. Together they created an intriguing artifact. Balzac wrote Le Chef-d'Oeuvre Inconnu. Vollard commissioned Picasso to illustrate the text.

A sketch of a man considering his painting of a nude woman.About art and artists, the story, the men, and their collaboration reveal interesting aspects of their personhood and their craft. Examine for yourself the de luxe Vollard production. The smooth morocco binding, the textured, thick paper, and the choices made by Picasso in his visual depictions done by woodcuts and engravings all suggest an engagement with the text that reveal men in their time and their class.

There are 13 leaves of plates with original engravings by Picasso. In addition, there are many woodcut illustrations by Picasso.

A sketch of a crushing of man in front of an easel as a woman poses for him with her chest bared.

Ask for Rauner Rare Book PQ 2163.C4 1931

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